Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Sam Pringle

Sam and John Pringle had escaped the war, but were running low on supplies. John decided to return to Virginia and bring back what they would need. Sam decided to stay at their tree home. Sam had to stay busy because John would be gone for a few months.
After John left, Sam was very lonely. He started taking walks, going further every time. After he walked many miles one day, he came across a small Indian village. A young girl about his age was tending to a small garden. He was very interested in how she pulled stray weeds from the ground and how she watered the small plants. He wanted to talk to her, but was afraid of startling her. He just hid behind the trees.
Sam came back to watch the girl everyday without fail. Then one time he accidentally stepped on a twig and it snapped, grabbing the girl's attention. He stepped out from behind the woods. The girl was not frightened at all. He asked her if she knew English. She nodded her head. He asked her about the garden. She took him over to her workplace and showed him what to do. He explained to her about his brother and their tree. She told him about her family as well. Later that day she took him to meet her family and show him around her village. For about two weeks he came back without fail. Then one day she asked him if he would like a garden to surprise his brother when he made his way back. He eagerly said yes. She found some spare seeds and they walked back to the Pringles' tree. Sam cleared a space large enough for a small garden. Together they plowed a small patch of earth for the seeds. They tended to the garden everyday, watering and weeding it.
By the time John returned, Sam and the woman had tall cornstalks, hills of potatoes, and green beans for them to eat during the winter. John brought back good news of the war ending. Sam had good news for John. He and the young woman wanted to be married.

1 comment:

Pixey Little said...

hey, I thot that you did a ver good job on all of your work but you put alot into this one and that is what made it so good to read and that there ws just so much information in it.That made it better and the fact that I could tell that you took time to type it.